General Information
Forms for those who are interested in speaking or volunteering are located towards the bottom of the page.
Discussion Panels are currently designed as an annual event and will begin in 2025. The discussion panels aim to feature individuals from all levels of expertise such as undergraduate students, graduate students, professors, and industry researchers. The topics of the panels will vary alongside the speaker's subject knowledge and area of study. This includes disciplines such as biology, astronomy, physics, geology, chemistry, aerospace engineering, and many more.
Updates on all events, panels, and volunteer openings will be sent out via our social media, blog, and newsletter.
If you are another organization looking to collaborate on a project please contact us via email which is located at the bottom of the site. We are open to any and all ideas, do not hesitate to contact us for anything we may be able to assist with. Our goal is to act as a pillar of support in the community no matter what form that may be in.

Student Representative Scholarship

The ASA Student Representative Scholarship is an individual award created for the 2022 Mars Analog Site Expedition. The scholarship provides the tuition fee for the expedition, a collaboration opportunity for an ASA research proposal, and a dedicated spot on our website.

Upcoming & Recent Events

A week-long research expedition through Rajasthan, India where young scientists were introduced to hands on field techniques and mentored on the production of a written expedition report.

Collaboration and speaker presentation for the inauguration ceremony of the first ever Astrobiology Club of India. Implemented in Shoolini University, provided by Spaceonova.